Ladies, has your


got up and gone?

" Hmmm...

If only someone showed me this

back then...!!! "

Are you Constantly Tired?

No Energy even after getting 8 hours sleep a day?

Are you Frustrated at fighting off the Weight Gain, no matter how hard you exercise or diet?

Is PMS driving your emotions?

Is Menopause taking over your body?

Are your Hormones Making You Crazy?

Are you done messing about, and ready to get REAL RESULTS within months?


Discover the most

Accurately Aimed

Precision Nutrition Plan,

a sustainable lifestyle roadmap for women, that helps you achieve

Real Results, that last.

Say goodbye to frustrating health challenges, body pain and weight-gain, and say hello to

Sustainable Results,

no matter your age or stage in life.

Discover the

Proven Formula for Lasting Health and

Improved Well-Being today, by clicking below to grab your FREE Health Strategy Call with Roxeanne.

*limited call slots available each day

Roxeanne has been teaching her

Bounceback Body Blueprint formula, to women all around the world since 2021.

She's got a special LIMITED TIME OFFER available, for any women looking to get advice on where they going wrong with their health.

By booking this 30min

Health Strategy Call with her, you'll learn where you going wrong, based on your age, and stage in life, along with your health symptoms experienced. She's become an expert at getting to the root cause, to get you back on track to healing and getting the results you're after.

She'll then immediately help you Create Your Own Healing Blueprint on the call, along with

quick action steps to take,

to get you healing right away.

This is where you will learn how to get from where you are now

with your health to

where you want to be by 2024.

If you're still trying to find that "right fit diet", one that actually

gives you real results,

then look no further - Roxeanne can point you in the right direction in under an hour.

You'll need to act quickly though,

she's not offering this call for free for much longer.

Click the

BIG WHITE BUTTON BELOW to book your FREE Health Strategy Call

with Roxeanne today!

You Have Two Choices;

- the pain of changing

- the pain of never changing

Sure, both will be painful, but only one will have you

Living Your Best Life in 2024!

If you're looking to bounceback from your health challenges,

body pains or weight gain, then this is the one call

you don't want to miss.

Get clarity on things and kickstart your healing right away!

Where Will You Be By 2024 ?

Your next move quite literally decides if you'll be feeling the same way you do today, by 2024!

*limited call slots available each day



Roxeanne Hardenburg is an experienced Health Transformation Strategist and DNA Analyst, and a trailblazing pioneer in Women's Health.

She's been teaching Women globally, how to bounceback from their health challenges, so they can heal better faster, and live younger for much longer, without symptoms, pain or weight gain. She does this effectively, through food and plant based medicines.

She's 43 years old (her 'chronological age') but with a rather remarkable immunity of a 20 year old (her 'biological age') and she's got 2 years of DNA based lab reports and scientific data

to prove it.

​Roxeanne achieved her healing successes using a proprietary healing formula she's been perfecting since 2020.

She's learned over the years how to activate a number of natural and safe, holistic healing mechanisms within the body, using very potent and very effective healing modalities involving highly concentrated phytomedicines and whole food nutrition plans, that are personalised according to each woman's biological needs.

Through this personalised approach to elimination, she is able to aim with accuracy, and help these women engineer their very own healing blueprints, that work. To date, she's helped loads of women learn how to heal their own bodies, using this very same roadmap, and she does this all virtually!

Roxeanne's been gathering key evidence along the way, by testing her own DNA biomarkers over the years, as well as that of her clients, and the results are outstanding. She can now prove her personalised biohacking formula, that is science backed and evidence based, is definitely a solid one.

She's personally restored 2 decades of chronic inflammation and pain, including full remission from stage 4 Endometriosis and IBS in 2021.

She lost a bunch of weight back in 2020, and has kept it off for good this time, despite relapsing along the way.

Living with any form of chronic disease means falling over is unfortunately inevitable,

bouncing back up is optional,

and how you do it, makes all the difference!

In a world full of adversity she's mastered some powerful healing skills allowing her to

Bounceback like a Boss, every time she relapses.

She's now helping other women
FOR FREE, learn how to personalise their elimination diet and healing blueprint,

so they can get real results, that last.

She's offering each woman 1 Complimentary Strategy Call

so they can start healing their body with a strategy that is engineered just for their body.

*limited call slots available each day



" In the first 21 day challenge I didn't weigh myself once as I really wanted it to be about my health and unlike other diets just worrying about the scales.

So imagine my delight when I stood on those scales 21 days later to see I had lost 9kg's...Win Win !!

Roxeanne's knowledge blew me away!! Not only did she know exactly how I felt, living with Endometriosis, but she knew how to manage it and it wasn't long before I was being reminded that most health issues start with our gut and how important food we put into our bodies effects us.

For once in my life I'm not constantly hungry looking for my next snack, I feel in control of my own body. As well as feeling so much better, my clothes fit better and I look better! "


My health history includes being diagnosed with PCOS in my mid 20s, then an underactive thyroid in my early 40s. My health slowly went into decline since the thyroid diagnosis affecting me not just physically but emotionally too. I put on a lot of weight and experienced low mood and depression off and on since.

I danced between trying to do something about all this....not getting results, then becoming unmotivated to change because nothing seemed to ever work. I'm sure many of you can relate to this cycle!

It seemed impossible to break but then in comes Rox with her honest, no-nonsense approach, armed with a truck load of empathy, knowledge and personal experience not only of this maddening cycle but also how to get out it !! I reached my goal weight of 60kg within 6 months too! "


" I can personally say that Roxeanne's program works. I lost 24kg, dropped from size 18 to 10/12 and the weight is staying off !

I was really overweight, suffering with underactive thyroid, fibromyalgia, pre diabetic & menopause when I first got in touch with Rox.

Every day was a struggle with constant pain, no energy & depression, not to mention brain fog, memory problems & so many other health problems.

5 months in and I hardly recognise myself. The pain is significantly reduced to the point that I no longer depend on painkillers.

My energy levels are increasing daily, my menopause symptoms are virtually gone & I am no longer pre diabetic. "


"Success Leaves Clues" - Jim Rohn

Through a very personalised approach, using DNA based quantitative analyses,

a human healing blueprint is engineered, uniquely designed to one person’s biology.

No "one size fits all" approach to human healing ever works,

simply because no one human

is like any other.

Key differentiating factors include DNA, genetics, hormones,

gut microbiome, nutritional deficiencies and intolerances,

all play a vital role in the repair and restoration of the human body.

By engineering a healing blueprint uniquely designed for each human,

we’re able to aim with accuracy and optimise overall healing, much faster, and long term.

The Definition of Insanity

doing the same thing every year

expecting different results!

*limited call slots available each day


Headline that hooks people in, gets them excited and makes them want to sign up.

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A Division of Essential Farmaceuticals Ltd, N1 7GU

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